I have been a member of the Elgin Artists for seven years and paint regularly at the studio as well as plein air. All of the artists have been so warm and welcoming that it has turned what can be a solitary process into a very social and edifying experience.
My paintings have previously been either surrealistic foregrounds on realistic landscapes or social commentary, predominantly in oil. This year I have been trying to see if there were some good paintings behind the foregrounds. To that end I am focussed on charcoal landscape paintings and oil over charcoal sealed with shellac.
In addition, with the support and encouragement of my fellow artists I have been compiling an anthology of my poetry, to be entitled “Poetry – Enter at Own Risk”. I hope that this will be completed in time for the Virtual Exhibition RON HUNT0418 251 006[email protected]
Poetry - Enter at own risk. I write these words for those they move. The few amongst the they, Whose hearts may move in time with mine, Whose tears my only pay.
So pay me what you think they’re worth, And value what you pay.
Adult And I got to be a dragon For just the shortest while But that’s a long and wondrous time When you’re playing with a child.
Child You said you’d do all that I asked. I asked you, “set me free.” But you’ll always be my dragon When I said “don’t follow me.”
Adult In today’s enchanted garden, As the autumn leaves swept by If you listened vary carefully You could hear a dragon cry.